4 Things You'll Want to Bring to Class

School is quickly approaching, this means that we only have a short amount of time until we can no longer relax at the beach and not have anxiety about all the school work we have to do. Before we head back to school, there is a list of school supplies that we need to tackle. Thinking about all the essentials you might need for school can seem overwhelming, but there are a plethora of lists online that you could find to make life a little easier.

Nothing makes a better start to the school semester than having all the essential school supplies. It is always important to carry everything that you might need to be able to survive the day. In this article, I will tell you four essentials that I carry to help me get through my day.


A backpack is the only thing I use to carry my notebooks, laptop, and everything else I might need. I love this backpack because of its color and minimalistic design. This backpack is highly recommended for people who don’t need a million pockets.


A planner is a college student’s guide to survival. Staying organized is significantly important, especially when you have seven classes, work, and a social life to juggle. I use my planner almost every day to stay ahead in doing my schoolwork. I also write down important dates like my friend’s birthdays and even my work schedule.

3—Water bottle.

Staying hydrated throughout the day is key to helping you keep focus in class. I find that if I don’t drink at least a cup of water every morning I feel dizzy, and often times will get a migraine. This is easily avoidable by drinking a nice cold glass of water. I keep a water bottle in my backpack to remind myself that I need to stay hydrated. Not only is water good for your brain, but it is also good for your skin! Water helps your overall body feel cool and healthy.


As it is important to keep yourself hydrated, it is also important to keep snacks with you so you don’t feel hungry in the middle of class. I hate when my stomach makes that sound notifying me that I’m hungry! I like to keep a small snack in my backpack so that I can eat it while I am walking to class. Snacks usually fulfill my hunger until I have lunch or dinner.

What do you carry in your backpack? Show us on social by tagging @Cfashionista!
