4 Ways to Make Your Workout More Enjoyable

In the beginning of the summer, I was in a slump where I would do anything to avoid working out. I made up excuse after excuse until I found that it was not the getting started part that I hated, but the actual act of working out. I made a few simple changes to my routine that made it an all-around better experience that actually got me excited to workout! Here are a few tips that can help you to have a more enjoyable workout.

1—Dress the part. Wearing something that makes you feel confident when working out is super important. Throwing on a cute pair of leggings and a sports bra can make all of the difference, especially to Fashionistas. You should notice that once you start to dress the part, you will sort of feel like you know what you are doing.

2—Take breaks. Allow yourself to rest between exercises because you deserve it! Once you start allowing yourself to take short breaks, you will find that you have more energy to get through your workout.

3—Do what you love. The only way that you will enjoy your workout is if you are doing something that you love. For example, if you hate running (like me), then find another form of cardio to keep you in shape such as cycling, HIIT, or dancing. It is your workout, and it should be all about you.

4—Reward yourself. When your workout is complete, find something to reward yourself with, such as an episode of your favorite show, a bubble bath, or a sweet snack! This way when you’re working out, you have something else to think about.

What is your favorite part of working out? Share it on social media and don’t forget to tag @CFashionista.
