ALL IN THE DETAILS: Gaze into the Stars

After dreary months of winter, the mood of spring blossoms out in the sweetness of blue and pink cotton candy skies, the warm glow of the sun and the flower filled trees and bushes. With a comfortable outfit, you can really let your hair down and enjoy the breeze as you walk from street to street. This Fashionista has a casual outfit with neutral colors that complement the vibrant spring scenery. When she walks, she walks with a gaze of admiration towards the lovely town of Princeton.

As flowers bloom, seasonal adjustments can be made on our fashion styles. Neutrals such as navy, white and black are solid complements to the colorful atmosphere that surrounds you. As you can see, this Fashionista blends well with her scenery. She is dressed in a soft cardigan that adds a sense of delicacy with its subtle pink color. Underneath the cardigan is her lace top which navy, neutral and full of texture. Her snow white shorts are cut off at the end, giving her look a slight edge. And when she walks across the streets in Princeton, passing by all the old-fashioned shops, one may notice the vibrance of her purse and the burst of passion in her smiling pink lips. As she sits down for a cup of coffee with a book by her side, her bracelet dangles when she turns from page to page. The romantic atmospheric color pairing of her dark sandals with tiny studs that sparkle like stars against the night sky, makes this more of a midday/evening outfit. You can imagine her romantically sitting by the coffee shop window, sipping from her cup and entranced in her reading; You can also imagine this scene is then followed by a night of stargazing, as she lies on grass, cocooning in her cardigan.

How To: Think about ways to create balance between your surroundings and what you wear. Let the neutrals set the foundation, but have the standout be subtleties such as the flowery texture of lace, the vibrant burst of color on a purse and the sparkle of starry studs on dark sandals.
