Hey there beautiful fashion lovers! To begin, let me start off by introducing myself. My name is Shelby Rhodes and I am from the lovely Southern California. I am currently a junior at Northern Arizona University and studying merchandising and advertising. Ever since I can remember I have been interested in fashion. I have gone through many different phases in life but I always felt like my style was the best way to express myself.
Amidst the uncertainty and chaos of college, one thing that I know for sure is my un-doubting love for fashion. The mood I wake up in really determines what my outfit will look like for that day! One day I could be seen in a more sophisticated and chic outfit; the next day I’m in boho attire from head to toe or I may be decked out in athletic wear! I tend to lean toward the more minimalistic style and build my outfits on basic pieces because I like to be comfortable in everything that I wear.
I became really interested in fashion once I began high school. It was a place where I could reinvent myself. Most girls look forward to wearing sweats during finals week but that was never an option for me because the more I like my outfit, the better I do on exams because I feel confident. High school helped show me who I was and through my years of it, I realized that I was not meant to be like everyone else and that fashion was something more to me.
In these photos, I’m wearing my favorite new dress from a little boutique called Stitch and Feathers, Ray-Ban sunglasses, some Steve Madden wedges and one of my favorite kate spade purses! I am so excited to be a Style Guru for CollegeFashionista this summer! I hope to inspire you to be the best you can be and be comfortable being in your own skin.