The One Thing in Every Fashionista's Living Space You Need to Get ASAP!

It seems like every Fashionista lately is sprouting a green thumb. And while we can all dream of 1. having a spacious garden to grown every species of flower ever and 2. having the prowess to actually know how-to grown every species of flower ever, the fact is that most likely neither of these things are reality, especially for a college student.

However, just because you lack free space and any form of gardening skills doesn’t mean you can’t fake it until you make it. Succulents seem to be sprouting up in every Fashionista’s living space (and Instagram feed). Not only do these adorable fat plants make for extremely chic décor, they are also super easy to care for. Just find a window sill, some decent sunlight and you have got yourself an at-home garden.

Get inspired to go green like these Style Gurus and start your very own succulent collection stat!


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