An important part of everyday life in college is having a workout routine, otherwise sleeping in or taking a nap will easily replace that time. Now don’t get me wrong, if you are definitely tired, then yes, go for the nap. However, if lack of energy is what’s going on, then maybe a quick 30 to 40 minute workout is what you need to get energized again.

Now, just because you are headed to the gym doesn’t mean you can’t look your best doing so. I’m not talking doing a full hair and makeup look here, but simply having a few key pieces of workout wear. Take a look at this week’s Fashionista. She wears a yoga jacket with some cool detail in the back of it. She wears the jacket over a simple burgundy T-shirt. The Fashionista also wears a pair of black yoga pants and her hair slick back in a ponytail. It’s a super simple and easy outfit for a quick mid-day yoga session. You can go back to classes or studying afterward, no problem.

You might think, “Why not just simply go in my sweats to the gym?” Having appropriate workout attire is essential because the material on these clothings have been researched and tested to make sure they can handle and endure things like the weather, sweat and the workout session itself.

One Simple Change: If you are going back to class after your workout session, make sure to pack a change of clothes in your bag. If you don’t have enough room in your backpack for an entire outfit change, you can simply bring a pair of jeans. They will match perfectly with a basic, everyday T-shirt.
