ALL IN THE DETAILS: Printed To Perfection

I love when I come across international fashion. All styles and fashions can travel the globe, but when someone has a stunning piece with an exotic backstory, I just love it.

I found this Fashionista early on a Saturday morning. Her black top and blazer went so well with her pants and pointy flats. But what really brought together this dressy but effortless outfit was the pattern on her pants. She told me they were a present from Africa. The print on the pants is so unique, and it was no surprise that they were one of a kind. Pants like this make a statement all on their own. After you put them on, your outfit is just hanging on what other elements you decide to put into it. The details of the pattern really do make the outfit, and wearing other simple pieces help to display the pants and not overcrowd the outfit. When it comes to details and accessories, Coco Chanel said it best. In her words, “When accessorizing, always take off the last thing you put on.”

How To: Go on an adventure to a far away land! Just kidding, you don’t need a passport and plane ticket to get this look. Just venture into a new store and try on something that has been shipped from a far away land. And you can make a difference while you’re at it by getting fair trade clothing, which can be anything from an LBD to printed pants like this Fashionista is wearing!
