Hi, fashion lovers! My name is Amanda Jagus and I’m very excited about being a Style Guru this fall semester. Although I’ve been sharing my writing online for quite some time, talking about fashion is something new that’s pushing me out of my comfort zone of listicles and op-eds. I’m so excited to bring a brand new perspective to this site.
I grew up in Pittsburgh, which is home to brutal winters and usually ranked as one of the worst dressed cities in America. Despite a childhood of wearing tights under my jeans and matching parkas to my Barbie, I’d like to think I came out with some semblance of style. On cooler days I can definitely be found wearing a flannel; one of my favorite pieces clothing has to offer. This fall semester I plan to branch out and experiment with some new layering pieces (but I will definitely keep my flannels close by). However, my style still has a bohemian touch to it and includes many flowy and patterned pieces. At the end of the day, I just want to be comfortable.
Although fashion is not my number one interest in life, I still think it’s amazing how the perfect outfit can make you feel better or help you break out of your comfort zone. It can definitely be a huge confidence booster. Fashion is great because it’s adaptable and you have the power to mold it into your own life. No matter if you’re heading to an internship or just going to class you can always add your personal style to your everyday outfits. This is what I hope to help people do this semester.
So make sure to catch my posts and see the many cool Fashionistas/os I’ll capture this fall!