Katie Klein

Katie Klein here, energetic lover of all things creative and beautiful, including (though anything but limited to): delicate daisies, those *chef's kiss* thrift finds, passionate people, iced lavender lattes, songwriting- the list goes on!!! Fun fact: the first time I would perform on a stage would be the first grade talent show in a gymnastics routine with my besties... and I would run off stage before the curtains were drawn. Grade one would be the only time period of my life I could do the splits, and no one got to see them. Bummer. Fast forward, however, and I've performed in 30+ musicals, and my passion for music deepens every day; who doesn't love a little irony! Pause, did I mention I love fashion?! Scroll down to check out my recent articles πŸŽ€πŸ§ΈπŸ•―πŸ’πŸ₯°