Mollie Jaten
Everyone can recall back to middle school, or maybe even high school, the awkward first day of class, going around the room, stating your name, and three things about yourself. Things including; activities, hobbies, passions, or maybe even adjectives that you used to describe yourself. Qualities and characteristics that you wanted people to know about you. Fast forward four years, and I'm still introducing myself. Instead of the casual, "hi I'm Mollie, I'm a cheerleader and I like pizza", I find myself wanting people to know more about who I am rather than just what uniform I wore on Friday nights and what food I liked to eat with my friends. I don't want to tell people who I am, but I want to show them. Through fashion, I'm able to express who I am, and what makes me unique without stating my name, and my favorite food. My love for art and fashion has brought me to attend Savannah College of Art and Design, where I am majoring in fashion design. Savannah is a gorgeous, exciting city, and I'm so lucky to be living here! Along with fashion, I love running, playing with my two puppies, and relaxing at the beach. You can always find me outside reading Vogue and listening to Justin Bieber's newest album!