The Busy Girl's Guide to Self-Care

Ah, August. Thirty-one days dedicated to the beginning of the end of summer, going to county fairs, and preparing for the fall semester. Personally, I am moving apartments, towns, and preparing to transfer schools. Because of all these sudden changes in my life, I am dedicating this fall semester to focusing on taking care of myself. Self-care is more than brushing your hair and teeth every day. Self-care also involves maintaining your mental and emotional health, which is just as important. Here are a few tips for balancing life with living.

The Busy Girl’s Guide to Self Care

1—Create a schedule. Set aside time to do laundry and dishes. Go to bed before 2 a.m.

2—Declutter. Whether it is cleaning out a junk drawer or cutting ties with a negative person, surround yourself with things that allow you to grow.

3—Plants. Nothing says adulting quite like keeping something besides yourself alive. Bonus: Succulents will solve all your Instagram aesthetic issues.

4—Do what you love. Take a bubble bath, play some music, sit with a dog, or redecorate your room. Stop worrying about pleasing everyone!

5—Remember what you’re grateful for. Call a friend just because, spend quality time with your parents, or remind someone you love them. It might just make you feel whole and less alone.

Most importantly, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it, take the time to recharge yourself, and remember to breathe, always!

What are some ways you practice self-love? Tell me in the comments!


