While studying abroad in Florence I’ve discovered that there is leather everywhere. There are leather markets, leather stands, leather stores and leather all over the streets. The Florentines love their leather and students studying abroad can’t seem to get enough either.
Incorporating leather into your wardrobe can be tricky at times, but this Fashionista does an amazing job of styling not just one, but two fabulous leather pieces into her everyday outfit. This Fashionista’s black scoop neck blouse provides the base of her leather look. By taking advantage of this basic blouse, there is more room to play around with leather details. The blouse is then paired with a light pink, leather skirt from Zara. Since the weather tends to change rapidly in Florence, this skirt is perfect for all occasions. It can be worn on a warm and sunny day, but it is also perfect with tights on a cooler day abroad.
Another piece that ties the entire outfit together is this Fashionista’s leather cross-body bag. One thing that makes this outfit extremely unique is that this bag was made right here in Florence. Since Florence is known for their local leather, they have leather markets where they sell and showcase their products. This Fashionista scored at one of the local markets with her spectacular purchase. Another great feature of this Fashionista’s cross-body bag is the color. The color is the perfect shade for the changing of seasons, being one of the main colors this fall.
Another key to styling any outfit abroad is comfort. This Fashionista chose a super cute pair of Birkenstocks to explore Florence in. By using black accents in her outfit, these black sandals fit perfectly in her ensemble. Cute and comfortable, what more could a Fashionista/o ask for? This Fashionista also chose a layered, black and gold necklace to accessorize with. This bold necklace is the perfect piece to pair with her leather ensemble because it adds just the right amount of pop without taking too much attention away from the leather. This Fashionista chose this accessory extremely well. Many of us Fashionista/os forget that sometimes one accessory is all you need.
Captured: I spotted this Fashionista strutting across the Ponte Vecchio after class in Florence, Italy.