Getting Into a Fitness Routine as a College Student

Finding the chance to schedule in gym time while being a college student is tough, especially if you’re a student who also takes part in extracurricular activities. But, as we all know, exercising and eating right is an important part of our lives while we are young that will have monumental effects on our body in the future. Not only is going to the gym good for your physical health but working out life stressors and getting that rush of endorphins helps boost mental health. This is why it is important for everyone, even those who think that they’re already in good shape, to find the time to create a fitness routine.

Getting yourself into a fitness routine isn’t hard as long as you take the time to sit down and plan it out. Before, I thought going to the gym took a lot of effort. After I got into going, I realized my problem was that I didn’t have a set workout routine and that in return made me unmotivated. Now that I have a set weekly routine, I find that going to the gym is a lot easier because I know that I have a way to keep myself on track with my workouts.









As someone who doesn’t follow any fitness accounts on social media, or know of any workout websites, I headed over to Pinterest to start pinning workouts. I decided early on that I wanted to focus more on strength training and limit my cardio, so I began searching for a wide variety of workouts. From legs to arms and core workouts, I have been able to create a fitness routine just by the help of Pinterest. If you are someone who needs to see a workout in order to copy it, there are plenty of helpful Instagram accounts dedicated to providing Instagrammers with workout routines. If you don’t want to spend the time looking for workouts, here is my basic routine that I stick with to get an arm, leg and core workout.

1—Warm Up (5 minutes).

2—Abs (20 minutes):

  • Leg lowering
  • Planks
  • Russian twist with weight ball

3—Legs (20 minutes):

  • Leg extension
  • Squats with weight ball
  • Glute bridge
  • Donkey kicks

4—Arms (20 minutes):

  • Cable extensions
  • Lat pull downs
  • Bicep curls

5—Cool down (5 minutes).

You’re all set! Now, it’s time for you to actually get to the gym to test your routine out, but before you go, you need to make sure you have a workout wardrobe. Personally, as a Fashionista, I like going to the gym in coordinated outfits. Old Navy, H&M, and Forever21 are all inexpensive places to find high-quality workout clothing. Find yourself a sports bra, some leggings, and a pair of sneakers to give you the confidence you want while working out.

How do you guys find the motivation to go to the gym? Let me know!
