Why Organizing Your Closet Can Change Your Life

College is stressful enough thanks to exams, group projects, and learning to adult. So coming home to a messy room (worse a disaster of a closet) makes things even more chaotic. If you are anything like me, you can’t get anything done until your room/closet/bathroom/life is clean. But picking up after yourself every day gets exhausting.

So I decided to come up with a solution. Instead of appeasing my senses with a semi-picked up closet, with no direction or particular place for anything, I would actually organize it, giving every single item it’s own home.

So while, yes, I organized my closet specifically for this article, the result was more than just a fun DIY article. I no longer find myself staring helplessly into my disaster of a closet. Instead, I have an easier time putting outfits together, am no longer perpetually running late for my 8 a.m., and, by extension, my organized closet has resulted in an organized life.

Need some tidying up in your room/life? Here are some very useful and practical tips.

1—Invest in a clothing rack. This is a Fashionista’s best friend. You can find them at Target, Walmart, Ikea, etc. The price ranges depending on how decked out you want yours to be. I opted for a simple one rack option. Mine is specifically for pieces I wear a few times a week. This makes creating outfits simple and quick.2—Fold clothing items. If you are anything like me, your dorm closet isn’t a Kardashian walk-in wardrobe room. So needless to say, space is limited. For items that don’t have to be hung, fold them. Organize them by garment—jeans, knits, T-shirts—so the stacks are logical space savers. 3—Color Coordinate. This is key to an organized closet. As you can see a majority of my wardrobe is black and white (what’s new). Regardless, organizing it by color makes it look cohesive and clean. I also organize by type of clothing. Then I can find the white lace dress in no time. (Extra tip: Invest in the same hangers. Not only is this visually appealing, but actually saves space.)4—Store your purses where you can see them. Out of sight, out of mind, right? But what if that item is a great handbag? If you have it hidden, you’ll most likely forget about it. Display your bags on the top shelf of your closet so they are organized but available to grab when the moment or outfit calls for it.5—Use your space wisely. The most important tip of this article. Just because everything is in your closet, doesn’t mean it is in there in the most logical, efficient manner. Having a clean, organized closet not only makes you feel less stressed but helps you put outfits together efficiently.(Photos by @thatchiclex)
