Why I Stopped Having Birthday Parties

This year I will be turning 22.

I had completely forgotten that my birthday was coming up until, recently, my best friend informed me that it was less than two weeks away.

I am sure you’re wondering how this even slipped my mind. I mean Taylor Swift wrote an entire song dedicated to her feelings on the age itself. Brittany Howard, lead singer of Alabama Shakes, even makes the age a milestone in her song “Hold On.” So clearly, it is supposed to be a big year.

But the truth is, I haven’t even celebrated my birthday or made it a big deal—with invitations, birthday cakes, streamers, balloons or any out of tune song sung by my loved ones—in almost eight years.

It’s not that I hate being celebrated or that I hate getting older, I just choose to do it in my own way.

(Photo via @stylefromalexis)

Here are a few reasons as to why I’m not particularly interested in celebrating my birthdays:

1 — I really don’t like having the spotlight on me.

2 — I feel like I am forcing people to celebrate me.

3 — I don’t really like cake. I am more of a donuts, chocolate, cookies, and ice cream girl.

4 — I prefer celebrating other people and other people’s birthdays.

5 — I don’t need the stress of it. 

(Photo via @stylefromalexis)

Instead, every year I celebrate me in the best way I know how, as low-key as possible. I pick up some Chinese take-out from one of my favorite restaurants, some ice cream, and I spend the day reflecting and relaxing. This is my way of thanking myself for guiding me thorough another year of personal growth and learning.

For me, birthdays aren’t all about the gifts but about being able to enjoy how far you’ve come.

What are your thoughts on birthdays? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
