It’s no secret that fashion blogging is an influential part of the fashion world nowadays. Hosting a blog is a great way to explore your passions, but it’s also a way to build your personal brand and network with others. I was chatting with someone that was interested in pursuing photography but wasn’t quite sure what type of camera they should purchase. I love photography, so I wanted to share some tips and tricks for new photographers who are interested in buying a camera to create stunning snapshots for a blog. Having those eye-catching photos is a big part of fashion and lifestyle blogging, and that’s why it’s important to find the camera that’s just right for you!
I first recommend finding the brand you want before moving forward. From my experiences, I won’t say that there is such thing as a bad camera brand per se. Personally, I like Cannon brands, but I’ve used some great cameras from other brands as well that offer similar features needed to produce great blog content.
Now that you come to a decision on the brand, you can pick what model you want. Do you want to invest a hefty amount for DSLR camera or would you rather save a few hundred dollars and buy a point and shoot camera? DSLRs take really great portraits but are not the most user-friendly if you’re just beginning your photography journey. DSLRs offer tons of other options for lenses too that can really add an extra detail to your photos. Not only do DSLRs offer a really good option for portrait photography, but if you’re looking to expand your blog in the future to vlogs, you may want to lean a little closer to choosing a DSLR over a point and shoot for their video recording capabilities.

If you decide you’re not feeling a DSLR, point and shoot cameras can also take really lovely photos, too. Unlike DSLRs, point and shoots are a little more user-friendly, which might be a deciding factor for a beginning photographer. The size is a lot smaller than DSLRs which makes them a little easier for transporting.
Now going on to what some might say is the deciding factor choosing their camera: the price. Now, I’m not going to lie: many higher-end cameras take beautiful portraits. But it’s important to note that those aren’t the only cameras out there that provide high-quality photos that will look great on your new blog. If you’re planning on buying a DSLR you can you don’t have to buy the most expensive camera, you might want to consider buying a cheaper camera body and splurging on a high-quality lens.
Before buying a camera check the reviews online. Most of the times people who have already purchased the camera will provide good insight to if the camera is worth buying or maybe you should keep looking.
Are you a blogger interested in photography? Leave your camera shopping tips in comments!
Featured photo by Jordyn Wissert.