How To Start a Fashion Blog When You're on a Budget

Starting a fashion blog can seem daunting and overwhelming, especially if you look at it from a financial perspective. However, it doesn’t have to be half as complicated as most blogging guides out there suggest. These are the things I did to launch my fashion blog that were as cheap as I could possibly get away with.

Find a Platform and a Domain Name.

Blogger is a great platform for anyone who is just looking to start a blog and wants to give it a try without having to commit. It’s free, it’s easy to use, and you’re good to go as soon as you’ve created an account. When you’ve set up your Blogger account, you can use GoDaddy to buy a domain name. Having your own domain name makes your blog look more professional and makes brands more likely to take you seriously. Grab a notebook and brainstorm ideas for domain names.

Blog Layout

The next step is to beautify your blog. If you choose to buy a layout from an independent shop on Etsy, you will save a ton of money—money you could spend on shoes. Keep in mind that people are more likely to come back to your blog and read your content if your blog layout is visually pleasing. This leads me to my next point.


Some say that photography is the key to having a successful blog and to some degree, I agree with. The cheapest solution would be to use your smartphone. Nowadays, the quality of iPhones is so great that you don’t need anything other than an iPhone 6s (or a newer version) when you’re just starting out. As you grow more comfortable with your blog and you’re looking to upgrade your photography game, you can invest in a DSLR. However, if you already have a DSLR and know your way around photography, that could be a huge advantage. Personalize your images with editing apps such as VSCO and Snapseed. Remember: clear and bright photos are more likely to attract readers than dark and grainy photos are.

Social Media

Now that you have your blog set up and you have your first couple of posts up, you’re good to go. Connect with other bloggers via social media, join Twitter chats and Facebook groups to get your name out there, add Bloglovin’ to your page so people can follow you easily and so you can find bloggers in your niche to follow.

Did you find these tips useful? Let us know in the comments below!
