Hello there, my fellow earthlings! My name is Brisa Gomez and I’m excited to be back on board with the CollegeFashionista team! This will be my fifth semester writing for them and I’m already starting to feel like an old veteran. I can’t believe how fast time has flown by, but I’m glad I’ve stuck around for this long (unlike Zayn, who just abandoned the boys).
I am currently a student at Florida International University where I’m majoring in Advertising. I consider myself a homebody, so odds are you will find me at home watching a show or movie with a pack of m&m’s in my hand—can you blame me? I love the world of fashion and creativity and if I can somehow emerge myself into these two realms, I think my life would be complete. If I had to describe myself, I would say I am a combination of a derpy dog, the rolling eyes emoji and Tina from Bob’s Burgers.I love taking photos, going thrifting and fangirling over the latest pop culture phenomenon (insert Tina dancing gif here). I’ve also become addicted to bagels and I plead guilty to eating several a week.
As for my style, I always tend to gravitate towards quirky and cutesy pieces. My favorite thing about fashion is the opportunity it gives me to experiment and express myself however I want. Every day is a new day to try something different. My current favorites are: turtlenecks, a nice shade of lipstick and a simple jacket.
I hope the Fashionistas/os I capture this semester inspire you to embrace your individuality and to not be afraid to try something new. Always remember you are super cool and RAD.