STYLE GURU BIO: Ellen Opacich

Hello Fashionistas/os! I’m Ellen Opacich, I just finished my junior year at the University of Minnesota. I am majoring in strategic communication and have a minor in art history. I am very excited to be a part of the CollegeFashionista community!

I am originally from the Chicago suburbs. I have always been passionate about fashion and art. My interest for fashion was really sparked when I entered high school. I wanted to express myself in a different manner than my peers. I began hunting for clothes at vintage and thrift stores across the Chicago area for inexpensive and unique apparel. I began wearing obnoxious color combinations, metallic lipstick and cut my hair into a stark pixie cut. Four out of the five weekdays, my mother would make me go and change into something less dramatic before heading out the door.

After graduating from high school, I was off to college. I soon realized I wasn’t going to be able to keep up with the frequent haircuts that kept my pixie in check. So I decided to grow out my hair. Nowadays my Rapunzel-esque locks are my trademark. I never was the type of person to become attached to the length of hair, but after four years I am obsessed. As my hair grew inch by inch, my style morphed with the growing locks. I began to evolve from edgy and outlandish to neutral and bohemian.

Currently, most of my wardrobe looks like a tornado of retro flowers and color. I draw lots of inspiration from the ’60s and ’70s. I love taking an aspect of vintage style and giving it a 21st century makeover.

What I’m wearing: My favorite Free People dress. I am obsessed with Free People‘s ankle length dresses. As a petite individual, these dresses fit perfectly lengthwise. I am also wearing super comfy Topshop T-Bar Clogs, and one of my favorite rings from Bohomoon.
