Hello my fellow Fashionistas/os and greetings from the Evergreen State!

My name is Jamie Ohl, and I recently finished my junior year at Washington State University studying business with a financial and accounting emphasis. I’ve been locked away in the library most of the semester and now that summer has started, I’m fully ready to switch out books for beaches.

As a Northwest girl both born and raised, I am always up for an adventure. I love traveling, be it flying to far off places or just exploring in my own backyard. I love all types of music and make an annual pilgrimage to various festivals throughout the year. But mostly, I am so excited to spend this summer pursuing a brand new adventure by joining the wonderful CollegeFashionista team!

Ever since I was young, I have always seen the world as a place of immeasurable beauty. This passion for the arts—be it painting and photography or books and Broadway—has no doubt influenced my own personal style. Growing up, I always had a bit of a flair for fashion compared to my classmates; I’m pretty sure I wore a dress every single day up until third grade. Though I eventually came to appreciate the practicality of pants while running around on the playground, the joy of picking out outfits and hunting for the “next big thing” has never gone away.

Now that I’m an adult (or at least trying to be), I am so excited to share my fashion adventures with all of you! Join me every Tuesday throughout the summer as I search for the prettiest outfits in the Palouse and hunt for the latest styles in Washington State.
