Greetings fellow Fashionistas/os, I’m Petra Gunn a junior Journalism student at Georgia State University. I’m honored to be a member of the CollegeFashionista team and work with evolving and creative individuals. During my time here as a Style Guru, I hope to inspire and empower the lives and minds of readers while bringing greater appreciation to my personal style, vision and writing.

I’ve always had a keen eye for authentic aesthetics and I was lucky enough to be born into a family where words were fairly important. My mother and I shared a love for writing and at an early age, I remember writing poems about the weather and battling my family to become the house’s “Scrabble Champion”.

Despite my obsession with words, the language my clothing speaks is what has always spoken the loudest. Being an introvert, it’s sometimes hard to fathom the correct mixture of words to explain who I am or what I’m feeling. Interestingly, my style is the simplest way to explain who I am without even having to speak. Convenient enough, this is perhaps the best gift anyone could ever have.

I would describe my style as eclectic and forever evolving. Simply put, it’s the truest expression of myself. My personal style is heavily influenced by my ever-changing moods. I’m inspired by books I’ve read, movies I’ve watched and even by people I meet. Because of this, I like to try a lot of weird new things with my style. And it’s fun!

Since moving to Atlanta I’ve been hit with the realization that seasons are an actual thing. Turns out, when you live in a place where it’s summer all the time you miss out on everything besides scenic landscape and bikini tops. So I’m totally looking forward to what this summer will bring and sharing my experience with you from Georgia State’s campus.
