Howdy Fashionistas and Fashionistos! I am back for my second semester here at CollegeFashionista! I am so thankful and excited to have been given the opportunity to come back and write about campus style at my wonderful school, Texas A&M University.
Last semester was a whirlwind of things starting with my internship here on this great website, working on a research paper for the YMA Fashion Scholarship Fund, starting my upperlevel classes as a junior marketing major and serving my first semester as President of the fashion organization at A&M. Thankfully, all of the late nights of writing articles to meet my deadlines, studying, gallons of lattes, millions of emails and tedious event/meeting planning has all paid off.
When I began writing articles at the beginning of the semester, I was terrified of not being able to find people who looked like they were ready to attend Fashion Week. It took me a little while to finally take my own advice on what fashion is: presenting your best self. When talking to the Fashionistas and Fashionistos about what they were wearing and what their advice to my readers would be, they all said that it is important to be comfortable being you. Does that mean you have to wear heels like me every day? No. Does that mean you always have to wear what is current and trending? Still no.
Fashion is expression through wearable art. Designers express themselves through their designs to tell their story and pull from a broad spectrum of inspiration. We dress to express ourselves and tell our stories. By doing this, we become comfortable with who we are and show that to the world. We find the beauty in who we are and express it in different ways. Someone may find this expression through bright accessories while another finds this through neutral tones. The important thing is that they leave their room knowing that this is the best them they have to give.
My best me loves to explore all things fashion. I will try any style at least once, but always have my edgy, bohemian comfort objects. Right now, my current trend obsession lies in the Made in America Movement. It is a push by people in the fashion and textile industry (and retail in general) to get back to the artisanal, homemade feel of classic America. This ranges from anything from Native American prints to homemade vintage earrings to even handmade ceramic bowls. It’s all about where we originated and getting in touch with our roots. Blake Lively’s new endeavor,, is the perfect example of this movement.
With it being the New Year, instead of “new year, new me,” I can’t wait to write about how Texas A&M Fashionistas and Fashionistos express “new year, best me.” Get ready for a new, fashionable semester and tips on how to present your best you.