Hello Fashionistas!
Before you begin reading the articles I’ll be posting each month, I’d like to give you guys a better idea of who’s writing them! This is my first year at Kent State University studying fashion merchandising with a minor in fashion media.
I always knew I didn’t want to get into design because to be honest, drawing and sewing are not my strong suits! I love watching for new trends, putting outfits together and voicing my opinion about different products that I find. I write on my own personal blog at https://uniquelysydney.squarespace.com where I am able to express my style and give the best fashion advice I can provide. I’ve been lucky to work with a few brands and small businesses to advertise their fabulous merchandise!
I love to travel and  have received a lot of inspiration from the places I’ve visited. Of course I love the city as any Style Guru would, but my heart lies on a sandy beach next to a turquoise ocean. Who doesn’t love nautical fashion and colorful beachwear?!
Dancing has had a large impact on my life as well. Even though I am no where near as involved in the dancing world as I used to be, I still enjoy dancing in my spare time and looking at the trending styles in that environment. Dance is a form of art and I believe it can inspire clothing just as anything else beautiful and creative can!
Everyone has their own perspective on what trends look fantastic and which trends don’t. What I love about fashion is the fact that style can be whatever your heart desires! Here’s to a great spring semester!