Hello Fashionistas! My name is Vasilika Shano, and I am a junior in Retail Management with a minor in Jewish Studies at Purdue University. This is my first time as a Style Guru, and I could not be more excited about it.
I was born in a small town called Pogradec, Albania. The city that I was born in was near a lake and a mountain. The beautiful nature inspired a lot of people to be more involved in art, and this was a major concentration. Since so much emphasis was put on art, I was involved in art competitions continuously. Even though most art competitions were about nature, I also loved fashion and designing clothes. I even kept a book of sketches. I would spend hours drawing dresses and outfits while thinking that in the future, I would have the opportunity to create those designs.
My family moved to the United States when I was 15 years, and art was not a big thing here. I still took some art classes, but it was not the same. When I finished high school I got accepted at Purdue which was very exciting, however, I did not know what I wanted to major in. I started as an Interior Designer, which had a lot of art classes. However, it was too much work. When art became my profession, I lost my interest in it because all my homework was art and it was not fun anymore. After searching for a long time, I decided to go for Retail Management. When I was told that this major was very related to fashion, I knew this was it.
I love creating things and incorporating art and fashion. I love vivid colors and a high contrast of colors. I always have loved fashion, and I am so grateful that now I get to share this with other people who have the same interests as me.