Right now, one of the biggest insecurities among shoppers is hoping something will fit. We’ve become obsessed with making sure we’re a specific size and that we don’t go above or below it. The way we view our bodies is with insecurities and self-criticism. So, what’s one way we can start embracing our bodies and sizes? By not caring so much about that tag size.
Have you ever tried a size at a store, and then tried the same size at another and notice both fit completely different? Yeah me too. Here’s the truth behind your tag size: it’s inaccurate. Not all smalls, mediums, larges; and extra larges fit the same. No specific store, brand, or garment share the same sizing measurements. Some stores run big, others run small, and some are a hit or miss. And what does this tell you? That sizes have no universal size. In return, it confuses shoppers when deciding on what size to purchase. It doesn’t make shopping fun, and it doesn’t make us feel good about our bodies.

I have found that my size changes all the time depending on the store I shop in. For example, I know that if I shop at Urban Outfitters, their tops and dresses run big so I must size down, but if I shop their bottoms I must size up. If I shop at H&M, their sizes usually run small which means I must size up. Which once again proves there’s a huge inaccuracy in size.

I discovered this when I would go to stores and noticed the sizes I thought would fit me weren’t the ones that actually fit. It became more apparent when thrift shopping and would notice how much of a difference there were in sizes; and how smaller sizes ran a lot bigger back then when compared to now. It makes you wonder how clothing is being manufactured and if sizes are purposely being messed with.
Once I figured out that no one size was the same, I told myself I wouldn’t care so much about a size, but whether what I was buying and wearing made me feel good. No matter if I size up or down, I tell myself that if I truly love an item, and it makes me feel good when I wear it, then that’s all that matters.

We shouldn’t have to feel bad because we aren’t a specific size. Our bodies are constantly changing, it’s normal and you shouldn’t have to hate your body. If you remind yourself that a tag size doesn’t mean anything, but what truly matters is how you feel inside, then nothing else will matter. Just remember that no tag size will ever define you, but yourself.
Have you also noticed this inaccuracy in sizes? Let me know in the comments below!