Once again, it’s getting to be that time of the semester when just making it to class calls for a celebration. The thrill of new classes is over and for most, the last thing on their minds is having to pick out a cute outfit to trek across campus in. Leggings and sweatshirts have come back around in full swing, but with UGG boots and parkas because it’s the middle of winter. With most students donning the same apparel, it makes it a bit easier to find sought out Fashionistas on campus.

I caught up with this Fashionista as she was leaving, appropriately, her French class. We all know that Paris is the fashion capital of the world so it would make sense that she got dolled up for this occasion (although I’m sure she is always rocking great style).

What first stood out to me was her hat. This cloche hat screams French influence—cloche means “bell” in French. Lately, I’ve strictly been seeing knit and fuzzy hats, so it was refreshing to see someone wearing their hat as a fashion accessory as opposed to solely for warmth.

This Fashionista’s lack of backpack also intrigued me. She informed me that her notebooks and belongings all conveniently fit in her handbag. The light pink bag really adds a feminine touch and a great pop of color to her outfit. Keeping everyday bags small also means that you simply can’t pack heavy items, which means no sore shoulders!

The final and my favorite detail of this outfit was the lace back sweater she revealed under her coat. The lace is beautiful and was a great way to give a peek-a-boo view of her stunning upper back tattoo.

One Simple Change: Naturally when wearing such an adorable outfit on campus, you’re sure to get asked out on a date to your favorite French restaurant. Swap the cloche hat for a sparkly headband or hair accessory and the ballet flats for a pair of pumps and you’re good to go for a date night (prêt à aller!).
