WHAT TO WEAR: Day To Night

Being a college student is possibly going to be the best four years of your life. Everyone knows that this statement is true. Although, with all of this fun comes a great deal of responsibility. You have school work and classes to worry about first and foremost. Then, throw in all of the extra activities that you might get involved in, like clubs, Greek life and the IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon or perhaps a job. Lastly, you have to try to manage a great social life while having these responsibilities. This can be a recipe for disaster to say the least. With that being said, your schedule can get to be pretty hectic at times. When this is the case, you need to be ready to transition your look from day to night without having to go home and completely change your whole entire outfit. It is absolutely a tough challenge to take on, but it certainly is not impossible.

This Fashionisto was spotted around campus with the perfect day to night outfit. He was walking to his next class when I spotted him. What I noticed most were his shoes. Any guy who I see wearing cool kicks to class, such as these pictured above, definitely knows whatโ€™s up! He had his jeans rolled at the bottom too, which added a nice little touch. This Fashionisto was a little upset that his shoes were all scuffed up at the tip of the boots, but I thought this was the best part about them. It gave them character and a sort of vintage look. I also love his choice of an all-blue outfit. You normally see all-black or all-white, but never really all blue. I applauded him for this! One last piece to his outfit that made it awesome were obviously his glasses. They were extremely fashionable and totally rad. They gave his outfit a lot of personality, which I loved. I think everyone will agree with me when I say that it is refreshing to see a guy look presentable for class every once in awhile. Well done, Fashionisto!

One Simple Change: Had a pretty busy day? Ready to have a celebration with the guys at the bar? No worries! All you would need to do to dress this look up a little more would be to lose the hat or put on a snapback, if you would prefer. Ditch the jacket and backpack, and youโ€™re ready to go.
