WHAT TO WEAR: Girl's Night Out

Let’s face it. It’s been a long week and the last thing you want to deal with is getting a cup of mysterious pink drink spilled all over your brand new coat or your feet repeatedly trampled at the bar. Don’t get me wrong, I love college bars and frat parties, but sometimes after a stressful week of exams, a much needed girls night out is the perfect way to spend a Friday. Get dressed up, put on some lipstick, go downtown and treat yourself to that fancy dinner that may not be good for your wallet or your waistline, but is certainly good for your soul.

To me, the best part of any night out is getting ready. Especially if you live with seven of your best friends like I do, getting ready is like a party in itself. With music blasting and all of your friends’ closets at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. This Fashionista has definitely mastered the art of getting ready as she sports the perfect ensemble for a classy evening with her girls. With dark ripped jeans, an edgy leather jacket and a killer pair of heels, she’s ready for just about anything. She looks chic enough for that hip new restaurant, while also looking cool enough to run to a spontaneous concert after dinner. She keeps her look fun and fresh by adding pops of deep red and turquoise, breaking up her otherwise dark color pallet.

Pairing a fun colored top with pants and a jacket of the same neutral tone is a foolproof way to create a look that screams glamour but doesn’t require too much effort. After all, sometimes class gets out late and you may be faced with only a few minutes to change out of the leggings and T-shirt you wore all day. Follow this template and you’ll be able to create an endless number of effortlessly chic outfits in basically no time at all.

One Simple Change: Worried about doing a lot of walking to that spontaneous concert downtown in heels? Switch them out for a cute pair of flat over-the-knee boots. You’ll look just as glamourous and you’ll be able to walk for miles without any blisters.
