WHAT TO WEAR: Interviews

Looking for the perfect job or summer internship? No matter how young or old you are, the application process can get pretty stressful. Filling out the application is easy enough, but then having to follow up with an interview can get pretty nerve-racking. You’re probably worried about whether you said the right things, made the right amount of eye contact or even if you dressed the right way.

First impressions count, and the first thing your interviewer will see is the way you dressed. The perfect way to dress for an interview is to look nice and smart, but it never hurts to throw in a little bit of your personality to stand out from the rest of the applicants.

Take a look at our stunning Fashionista here. Here she dons on nice black pants, a silky blouse and a black blazer with rolled up sleeves that playfully shows off blue and white stripes. She completes her outfit with the perfect beige shoes that give her a good height, are quite stylish, and still remain professional-looking.

This outfit provides the perfect combination of style and professionalism. The look screams I’m smart and sophisticated, but still young and innovative. It shows that our Fashionista is eager to learn and ready to succeed.

Any Fashionista out there can achieve this look by pairing any of your favorite blouses with a nice, solid blazer. Wear flats or some nice heels to raise up your height and your confidence, but make sure to wear closed-toed shoes. The way you dress not only affects one’s perception of you, but also your perception of yourself. Dress confidently and you will find yourself exuding more confidence.

One Simple Change: Want to celebrate your successful interview with your friends on a girl’s night out? Simply remove your blazer and you’re all ready to go!
