WHAT TO WEAR: Meet the Parents

The fateful day has finally come: the person you’ve been dating for a while has finally asked you to meet the parents. After you breathe a sigh of relief because they’ve finally given you some form of commitment, you realize you have no idea what to wear. You scramble around the house looking for something that screams “stylish and cool,” but also “conservative and sweet.” You want to be bold enough to make an impression, but conservative enough to ensure that that impression is a good one. Look no further for this Fashionista has pulled off the prefect ‘meet the parents’ look. With an outfit like this you, won’t have to worry about what you look like and can instead wow them with your amazing personality.

This look is perfect because it is classy and original. The black flower print romper appears to be a dress at first glance, but the romper ensures that there are no wardrobe mishaps that often come when wearing a shorter dress. The delicate flower pattern screams Southern sweetness, and what parent doesn’t love a Southern belle? The chunky jewlery adds a little bit of edge to the look. By piling on bangles and a matching gold necklace, this Fashionista shows that she is anything but boring and is not afraid to stand out in a crowd. The heels are my personal favorite part of the look. The ties in the front are super stylish. The heels are just the right height for an occassion that involves parents. Overall, the outfit is trendy, chic and timeless. Not to mention, how cute does this Fashionista look with her little black umbrella on this rainy day? She is prepared for anything on her way to wow her significant other’s parents.

One Simple Change: You want to go out with the girls after you meet the parents, so you can rehash all of the details? No problem! Just throw on a leather jacket to add a little edge to the look and you’re ready for the perfect girl’s night out.
